I am trying to play my newly acquired Behringer Victor using my Moog Grandmother , keybord out into the Victors V/Oct
and the GM Gate out into the Victors Gate In.

The V/Oct works fine but the Gate is not working, i.e i get a continuous drone from the Victor.

i use the same patching from my GM into Plaits and it works fine.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening with Victor? Is it a duff Victor or am i missing something very obvious?

Howdy! I don't actually have a Victor so I'm not 100% sure, but in the manual it says this about the gate input:

"GATE IN – use this 3.5 mm TS jack socket to activate
the onboard mix envelope from an external
source. The GATE input expects a v-trig rising from
0 V to +5 V."

Whereas the Plaits has an actual built in LPG/envelope for amplitude, it looks like the purpose of the gate on Victor is to trigger an envelope that sweeps the onboard oscilator mix. Does that sound right? I also noticed the USB/Midi jack says specifically it does not respond to note on/off which makes me think it doesn't have internal VCA capabilities. I think you'll want to run it into an external VCA and use gate from the GM to trigger an envelope to control it. Cheers!

check the manual at enveloppe section.
The enveloppe can be continuous or not.
Maybe ''continuous'' is selected.

I also own a victor module. the poster above is correct.
Gate input is for vector envelope which mixes the 4 waveforms. and I think continuous means it loops the envelope

if you were to set say Oscillator 4 to silence and make that the end of the vector envelope it will do what you're asking. likewise you can simulate a filter envelope by using a sine oscillator as the end point.

But I think routing back into the GM external input (assuming it has one) would be the best option for what you're trying to do