I asked ChatGPT to build a rack for ambient music and layout the modules in a way that makes sense for this kind of music.
It seems to get confused with the module sizes, it would say Clouds is 60hp and then say it's 10hp instead, so this layout doesn't match exactly the one ChatGPT suggested. The original rack had six rows and a lot of empty spaces, which is probably a good idea anyway. I limited it to four rows, other than that, I kept the original order.
The ChatGPT training data goes up to 2021, so it doesn't have any knowledge about newer modules. Aside from that, the rack contains many effect modules, which would make sense for ambient music, but it also has some odd choices. I would have never thought of the Atlantis for this kind of rack, and on the other hand, it seems to lack on the VCA and mixer fronts.
I also asked for some patch examples, as some Redit users are reporting having success with that, but it seems to get confused easily and tells me to send signals to the clock inputs on modules that don't have clock inputs or to send an input from one module to the output of another.
Just as it does with any other topic, it seems to make sense at first, it seems legit, but on closer inspection, it's all wrong. And yet, as crazy as it is, it may be worth asking ChaGPT when looking for new ideas, as some of the replies can lead to out-of-the-box thinking. Kind of like Eno's oblique strategies.