The ModularGrid Unicorn Account

Today I introduce the Unicorn Account which is a payable upgrade for registered ModularGrid users.

Before you unpack your torches and pitchforks please read on:
In the last three years I have understand that a complete free an unlimited webapp comes with some significant problems.
And that's not only me doing an unpaid fulltime job.
The main problem is the excessive accumulation of digital garbage which eventually spoils the fun and value in use for everybody. You have mods in forums to care about such but that does not work on a web-based modular planner.

The Unicorn Account should address these:

  • Satisfy the calls for even bigger Racks for the Pros while preventing the polluting of the database by some Newbs
  • Keep the amount of Racks at a healthy minimum, make browsing through the Racks interesting again.
  • Prevent the webspace been eaten by zillion rack screenshots of final_system(copy)(copy)(copy)(copy)
  • Better statistics, tame the need of users to build another Math-only Monsterrack
  • Better server performance for everyone. Better protection from DOS.
  • Bring in some cash, obviously.

Chances are you won't notice

The standard MG account will be always free and still lets you create 10 racks, each of the size of a massive Doepfer monster case! That should be more than enough for 95% of all MG users.

(Remember you can always copy modules in two opened browser windows with the c,p,x keyboard shortcuts.)

You won't lose what you already got

I thought a lot about to make this change happen without taking away what users already have.
The solution: If you already have a large or a lot of racks, you can still use them for free!
You just won't be able to resize your big rack and you can not create new ones if you are over the limit.

Read more about the Unicorn Account:

... and tell me what you think

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]