Except...while there's a lot of different drum voices, I get the feeling you're neglecting the timing aspects. For instance, I see nothing in the way of gate/trig dividers and/or multipliers, or other clock manipulators (pulse counters, stochastic skippers, clock delays). And with all of that, you'd also need a nice bit of logic to allow conditional gate/trigger variation. It's ok if you just want the output from the sequencers 'straight', but aside of the one Euclidean sequencer there, this is lacking in ways to 'humanize' the rhythm feel and/or create controllable variation. Take a long stroll through the 'clock modulators' section here and get a feel for what all of that category's about, and then do the same with the 'logic' section, then give it another try. You may find that the real trick here is less sound generation and more sequential/timing complexity.

Also, you'll want audio delays. I can't even count the times I've used different delay-based strategies to generate hocket-like behavior to make rhythm patterns more complex.