The Dual Dagger I will have to revisit...

I wish I had a good video to reference; but I love it. Its just a super good-sounding stereo filter in a very reasonable amount of HP.

is there anything glaringly wrong here. I wanted to make sure I had my basics covered.

I wouldn't say glaring. Both the great and not-so-great thing about modular is that its.. well.. modular. You won't know what you're missing until you do. Emphasis on the 'you', as everyone will want / 'need' something slightly different.

Having everyone choosing different modules is a great aspect. Something like Maths I can see the versatility of and understand why so many people use it. Though something like Plaits, I can see the versatility, but I don't share the appeal for it as most people do. (Something it seems you might relate to?)

I have two Maths - one Plaits (and actually two Braids -- Pre-Plaits Plaits -- but not really). The possibilities of Plaits and (x2)Braids with the firmwares is actually kind of wonderful tbh. I have a Rings too, it does its thing, but stylistically, I don't tend to reach for it that often. Its a very nice module though.

I would say that the main things I'm on the fence about are the midi modules and my ability to get everything connected. The other man thing would be the Queen of Pent and the analogue drum aspect. ... Where as something like DFAM seems good, I think that perhaps individual modules might be a better fit.
-- TheLooseNut

MIDI isn't all that bad, just kind of tedious. Look into something like the IConnectivity Midi4+. They have a more expensive one out now, its probably very nice, but maybe grab an old one off someone who fell for... I mean, upgraded. There are also boxes like MIDI Solutions Quadra-Thru; but just know that midi does 'deteriorate' the more its chained. I don't really have a good rule of thumb -- you'll just have to experiment... Also, you can clock things without having EVERYTHING connected via MIDI. Maybe look into PPQ24 (or PPQ48) if you aren't familiar with the term(s). That said, if you have a more specific question about connection issues. Throw it out and someone will probably have 'an' answer.

I tend to not do drums in modular. I just couldn't find any great combination or reason to justify essentially doubling the footprint. Some purist (no shade) will definitely have a different take. If I were to go full/more modular for drums, I'd probably start with a Doepfer A-157 as it seems intuitive for the classic X0X-style drums. 'What you see is what you get' triggers... That said, I have no serious complaints rocking an EP-133, Drumbrute Impacts, DFAM, and Airbase 99. If there was a fire and I could only take one... the EP-133.

DFAM... oh and Qu-Bit from the other post... (sigh)... I like Data Bender... Maybe start a new thread for each convo :D