One thing to keep in mind : It is not good to run the power supply at max load. It's a good rule of thumb to keep the power consumption between 50 - 70 % of the max load. So a power supply of 2A would be a strict minimum I think (it would be running @ ~80%). to maximise the space I would replace the Arturia PS which is 6hp by either a TipTop uZeus and you have 2hp free or 2 Behringer CP1A.

That said, I don't know your need in the -12v. The TipTop uZeus has a good +12v supply in 4hp but the -12v is kind of poor.
if needed more -12v 2 Behringer CP1A would do the trick and you still keep 4hp free

Can you split your rack into 2 seperate rows and give the links so we can have a more detaled consumption per row ?
-- Folkien

Why would a power supply not be able to operate at say 90/95% instead of 50 to 70% tho?

Currently running this setup.
ModularGrid Rack

This is the data sheet for it

6 Modules (2 passive) Row 1 79 HP max 80 mm 725 mA +12V 130 mA -12V 0 mA +5V
8 Modules (1 passive) Row 2 67 HP max 45 mm 650 mA +12V 481 mA -12V 0 mA +5V
14 Modules (3 passive) Total 146 HP max 80 mm 1,375 mA +12V 611 mA -12V 0 mA +5V

My initial plan was to end up with 2 rackbrutes 6U. Filling the cases as i go.
But if both of the cases need an extra powersupply i dont know if thats the way i want to go forward
Adding a 2hp power from wouldn't be the end of the world
But if i get a second rackbrute its gonna need one as well i guess
Currently pondering to build a case myself.