+1 on the "bigger case". Also, you might reconsider that $1200 budget point...Eurorack ain't cheap. Plus, as this stands right now, you have no way to justify having a panel meter in that 3U skiff; builds of that sort (which many of us here discourage, actually...they're NOT apt to come out like what one sees on YouTube, which is where this idea seems to keep coming from) simply don't have space to allow a "toy module" of that sort. And I call it that because there's not really anything in that 3U build that needs metering as such...it's just there for looks, in other words, and you need function here more than eye candy. sacguy71's right on point here; a Tiptop Mantis will still be eminently portable (hell, Tiptop even sells a gig bag that's sized for it!), not a huge budgetary hit at $335 street, and provide WAAAAY more space. Granted, with that space comes the death of your $1200 max idea, but it opens you up to putting together a far more capable build that can be worked out long-term, instead of dropping the $$$ on it right off the bat.