Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback. After more searching it looks like Ears is not needed for Monsoon and Morphagene indeed.

I would really like to keep it small and i've no real desire to expand it, but probably 84hp or 104hp like you suggest is more realistic for the long term budget yes! So instead of Maths, maybe PAM which would provide the modulation in 8hp (envelopes+lfos+randomness) and ochd?

Duly noted for the Triple Sloth instead of the Woggle Bug and for the Veils, maybe a dual VCA based on the Mutable Instruments Veils like the one made by After Later Audio could be enough for most of the patches?

As a start, I don't really see the point of adding filters+kinks+fx aid as most of the work will already be done on the Digitone (effects+filters) and the audio processing is done on the Morphagene and Monsoon? Could you please explain?

So here is a second version of the setup : PAM+Ochd+Morphagene+Monsoon+DVCA+MakeNoise XOH and later on, for more slow randomness, the Triple Sloth as suggested?
