Thanks Lugia,

Indeed, I have watched the TD live shows online and they use impressive array of hardware, modular, live instruments and computer soft VSTs with division of labor. I agree- we can achieve a lot with less gear now. I will probably invest in a new computer this year to use for music production and use Ableton Live with modular and my synths. Now that I figured out how to integrate modular via the cursed Doepfer A190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module in my setup with the hardware synths and Ableton, I can do it moving forward.

Regarding VCV Rack, is there a way to use that with modular via a MIDI CV interface? I will have to do some digging to see how that works. Love VCV Rack it helped me get into modular after the 0-coast.
-- sacguy71

Back in the 1980s I was doing a live radio show and got to see Tangerine Dream twice. I saw their 1986 tour Underwater Sunlight, and in 1988 Optical Race. The band line up included Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Paul Haslinger. I also got to meet the band backstage to hangout and even record some radio station IDs. I also got to record and interview with Edgar over the telephone ( I should try to find that tape, eh?). In 1986 and 1988 they had huge roll around floor racks of tons of MIDI synths then. You need to focus on the overall sound you want to replicate or go for, then select equipment to helps you create that sound. Keep in mind that a different sequencer, or synth will force you to think differently, and will help you explore new territory.