Thread: DivKid Ochd

...and Hi again Everybody!

'You can never have enough'. I don't know when and were it appears for the first time on the modular planet (apparently talking about Vcas), but it has always sounded to me like a vacuous statement or worst, an advertising slogan: 'You can never have enough' clamps, guarantees, smoked salmon, or whatever!.. And curiously, this has met a great success in this community.

This is quite funny because at the same time it is proclaimed loud and clear in music making that 'Less is more'...

Shall we eventually hear 'You can never ever get enough less for more'?
Sort of Woody Allen assertion :)

Well, I use OCHD for a few months, and had the chance to receive last week the brand new RND STEP by DivKid and SSF (a random module in the same vein as OCHD).

We all know that DivKid is an excellent reviewer. But he is also a very clever and a rather visionary man. Obviously, Ben has understood a lot of fundamental modularist requirements. Less Hps, reasonable price (though RND STEP is a bit more expensive than OCHD and Mutes), the need for easy to use but strong modulation tools, and of course a well-known and appreciated signature.

We can notice that he didn't choose to begin with innovative oscillators or samplers, no more with delays or reverbs. He worked on simple but proper tools that BRINGS LIFE... 'To bring life': another common expression, but this time, a really major concern in modular music. Because bringing life is exactly in the DNA of modular synthesis and a permanent quest of every modularist.

Nearly 10000 Eurorack modules according to ModularGrid...
Probably enough, and we should need more DivKids to 'Clean up the mess!' ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).