Hi Yalivec,

Nice and impressive music, thanks a lot for sharing this!

Especially the guitar is nice and impressive :-) That brings me, though, at least for me personally, to one point... I wouldn't have mind a bit more accent on the Eurorack modular system to give that here and there a bit a higher chance of "shining through" so to speak. The guitar is quite leading and overwhelming in a good way but it's a bit pity for the modular sounds; slightly bit too much in the background if you would ask me. Of course this is most likely wanted in this music, so it's rather my personal view on it.

Other than that, I am very jealous about the fact that you produce nice music of which I only can dream of, I wouldn't be able to make nice music like that!

I wish you good luck and I look forward to your next release :-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads