Thread: UX

Thanks for reporting all this. I read it all and want to fix everything but everything is going slower than I wished.

As a user I want to be able to export a csv from the data sheet page, or hide specific columns in that view.

Not CSV but on the My Modular page you can get a XML page of your rack with all the modules. Just add .xml to the URL. (Unicorn feature)
I see it would make more sense with CSV and the data sheet page, that might come.

Please remove keybindings

this is already possible with the Keyboard Shortcuts switch in rack view?

Please detect mobile and enable lock by default for mobile

Good call

Please enable transferring of a module between cases

There is a workaround but (cough) keyboard shortcuts must be enabled for this. You can copy/paste modules between browser windows with the c and v shortcuts.

Thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]