1 year Unicorns, thank you all!

I announced the Unicorn Account last September 2014. That was an unrequested feature, obviously, but a necessary one. A lot of users chimed in and showed their support for the ModularGrid. With their hard earned cash, I am very grateful about that. That contribution allowed us to stay independent from investors and keep the platform as open as possible.

A glitch in the matrix

The standard account limits the amount of rack rows you can use. But there were many racks at the time which exceeded that limit already. Those racks could not be resized, but people could still add and arrange modules.

This caused two problems:

  • there is a discrepancy in the code for racks created before and after Sept 04. I want to unify that and get rid of a zillion if and elses
  • it is unfair that new users have to pay for their large racks but the veterans even after a year can glitch through

The unpopular(?) fix

The solution I came up today is to let the old racks behave like the new ones, that is:
you cannot rearrange modules in big racks if you don't have a valid Unicorn Account.

I hope that is reasonable.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]