Thread: Change Log

Module Collections

Unicorn Users can now favorite modules they own. From this My Modules list it's way easier and quicker to add them to the planner. It's still possible to filter the My Modules list, e.g. "show me my VCAs".

New module property: Product Lifecycle

Modules have a new property Product Lifecycle with the dimensions Concept, In Production and Discontinued. If enough modules are tagged, this will go into a search filter.

Message Manufacturers

There was some trouble with manufacturers who lock/approve their modules but have the specs incomplete.
Now there is a message button on the module detail page where you can get in touch with them.

Remove Module Rating

If you have accidentally rated a module you can undo that by simply clicking on the rate button again in the module finder.


Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns" filter was broken, works again

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]