Boutique eurorack company based in Seattle, WA, USA.
uO_C Black & Gold Panel, Mult, nRings (Black/Gold), Monsoon and Beehive (uPlaits) are among After Later Audios most popular products.
Benjolin-type module with Dual VCOs feeding a shift register that generates random...
Dual VCA for 1U Intellijel Format
Expanded Monsoon - Based on Mutable Instruments Clouds
Random Looping Sequencer
CEM3340 Based Oscillator
ADSR Style Envelope Generator
Multimode Filter
Random sampler
A combination of Clouds, Monsoon & Microcell
A buffered/active mult with LED indicator
Micro version (4HP) of Mutable Peaks
This is a 1U (Intellijel format) version of the Pique module which is based on the...
Micro version (8HP) of the Mutable Tides v2 (2018)
A new build of Mutable Instruments Clouds
A new build of the micro version of Mutable Instruments Clouds
Variation of Mutable Instruments Clouds
micro version of Mutable Rings
A new build of a micro sized Mutable Instruments Plaits
A new build of Micro Ornament & Crime
A new build of micro Temps Utile
A dual VCA based on the Mutable Instruments Veils
Mutable Instruments Peaks Clone
A new build of micro Mutable Instruments Elements
Analog VCO based on the GMSN Pure VCO
Buffered multiple in 10HP for 1U
A new build of the Mutable Instruments Peaks module
A clone of the Mutable Instruments Plaits
Gates and Triggers
Micro version of Mutable Instruments Marbles
Random Looping Stepped CV and Burst Generator
CV/Audio Mixer and Dual VCA
Function and ADSR Generator
Alan (Turing Machine) Expander, Pulses
Alan (Turing Machine) Expander, Volts
Multimode stereo filter based on Mutable Ripples V1
Functionally identical clone of the Mutable Instruments Plaits.
Rob Hordijk’s latest revision of the classic Benjolin
Take your gates and generate triggers and take your triggers and generate a gate.
6HP Peaks with CV inputs and attenuverters
8HP Peaks with CV inputs and attenuverters
Antumbra-designed half-Veils
All of the goodness of Mutable Instruments Yarns, but in an Intellijel 1U format
A smaller version of the Temps Utile designed by mxmxmx with Magpie panel
8HP re-design of the Erica Synths Swamp module
1U version of Mutable Instruments Branches
Time to splarf!
Destructive Harmonics Generator
Sample & Hold / Track & Hold
Quad Attack, Release & VCA
Intellijel 1U version of Micro Ornament & Crime
Full size Clouds clone
A full size Marbles clone
A full size Rings clone
Sum and Invert 2x2 Mixer
Wavefolder & Timbre Generator
Sub-Harmonics Generator
4hp Thru-zero Oscillator
Thru-zero Oscillator
Dual VC-Polarizer
Micro Mutable Instruments Grids
Micro Turing Machine
Razor is an exact hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Blades module.
Sample and Hold - Track and Hold
A 22hp version of Mutable Instruments Elements
Plaits full size clone
Mutable Instruments Ripples module
Mutable Instruments Tides V2 Clone
Contact Mic envelope follower
Mutable Instruments Veils 2020 replica
Stages clone
Stereo Performance Mixer
Performance Mixer Expander
Send VCA Expander for Bartender/Barback
Single Stereo Mixer/Panner/VCA - Standalone module and an Expander for Bartender
Dual 3 Channel Mixer/VC Autopanner
Stereo DAC/ADC over USB