

vcA Team, OpticTone, Vastwave, MapVolt and SkipLog are among Teias most popular products.

News from the Labs

Teia SkipLog
26 Jan 2024 Teia
Introducing SkipLog, an 8HP Rhythmic Probability Processor with sequence capturing and looping features, along a range of other versatile functions waiting to be explored. You can check it out here: https://teiasynthesizers.com/product/skiplog/ https://youtu.be/PyjwGsnb4c0?si=81bvYjV2ZVEEoXJ6  
Teia MapVolt
18 Aug 2023 Teia
MapVolt is a dual-channel Universal Voltage Processor built for flexibility in handling Audio and CV signals. With only 6hp, Mapvolt is a multipurpose tool for voltage-controlled scaling, inverting, offsetting, subtracting, and mixing functions. Oh, and ring modulation too! 
Teia OpticTone
15 Jul 2022 Teia
Just a quick warning that our Vactrol Multimode VCF and VCA previously named Optocore is now named OpticTone due to legal reasons. The sound and circuit are still the same!  
Teia vcA Team
4 May 2022 Teia
Need a Velocity sensitive VCA on your patchs? The vcA Team is a dual Voltage Controlled Amplifier conceived with dynamic expression control in mind. With Velocity control on both VCA channels, vcA Team expands the creative use of amplitude variations on your patch, bringing not only control over the contour but also over the loudness of your sound. https://youtu.be/Hfxcczs8Ow0 
Teia Vastwave
6 Nov 2021 Teia
VastWave is a Complex Analog Oscillator with advanced waveshaping capabilities that invites new textural and harmonic exploration beyond subtractive synthesis principles. Beside the complex waveshaper there is also an onboard linear glide, a dedicated VCA on the FM input and an external Timbre/wavefolder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOtvC-WdtEA&ab_channel=teiasynthesizers  
Teia OpticTone
18 Dec 2020 Teia
The OptoCore is a combination of a 12dB multi-mode Vactrol Filter and a Vactrol Voltage Controlled Amplifier. It is a completely original circuit inspired by the singular nature of Vactrols and their fluid and natural character. Unusual features like Ping input for percussive drum sounds generation, Touch Control for expressive control and more! Check how the OptoCore sounds here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--d6Q7c5iho 
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Stochastic Function Generator


Function generator with randomized attack and decay times.


Stochastic Function Generator Expander


Expander for the SFG




OpticTone Vactrol Filter & VCA

$238 MSRP



Complex Analog Oscillator

$421 MSRP

vcA Team


Dual VCA with Velocity

$140 MSRP



Rhythmic Probability Processor

$199 MSRP