Thread: Marketplace


Could you please advice sellers to name the location a little more detailed. Maybe in the default classified description text as a default header (like condition and shipping).

good idea, I have added that.

The good traders thread is well intended but do you really expect people to go thru all the posts to find the one guy?

You can search the thread, search input field top right.

If you are serious about that, you need a feedback form on each member profile and a way to determine if a member is a allowed to review the other. Maybe if you add a field for buyers name when the seller clicks the "sold" button?
-- lpzw_modules

I know it's not very good like it is and needs improvment. The rating can not be only done by the seller, it has to work in both directions. Maybe something like a friend system where you can see if a guy is connected to others? I know some people have a strong dislike for everything facebookish so it has to be thought out well ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]