Thread: What to add?

May I ask about your experience with Black Noise Cosmos? Im very interested in this kind of modules. I also consider Ana 2 from mystic circuits. Could you tell me soemthing more about its use and benefits?
Right now I use Pamelas Pro Workout for logic stuff, but Cosmos and Ana seem to be very cool.
Im wondering, how something like a Cosmos could expand my possibilities? (In Pams you can also dial in specific logic operations and apply it on the inputs + add more operations with the cross channels)
Maybe there are some cheaper 1u alternatives?

I don't yet own a Cosmos. I've watched the Stazma video and read the manual a few times. I would say I just kind of liked the mystery of it at first and then started thinking of it as a smaller way to get what I wanted from the WORNG Vector Space (I might still go this route instead, because it's like half the price) or the Mannequins Cold Mac (I gave up oj this when I realized how difficult acquiring one of these would be without some sort of crime): a way to get a lot of related modulation in a small space from a couple sources. The Ana 2 would probably work as well for this sort of thing, and has the benefit of knobs, but I personally don't mind big dense patches full of cables and like the patching process, so the Cosmos appeals to me in that way as well (plus the touchplates seem fun) All three seem like an inviting way for someone (like me) to teach themselves more about these functions and what they do musically. I don't have a 1U strip on any of my cases and tend not to think about that - someone else would have to speak on that. I mainly recommended the Cosmos here because it's a cool module that comes on DIY format and would probably suit a classic rack like this that uses simple tools well.