The marketplace exists for 2 years now. It's a place where strangers buy and sell stuff over the internet and so I am somewhat amazed that I am hearing very little complains about dubious transactions.

But there are people who had problems. For them it is worth nothing, that it's working pretty fine for everyone else.

In most cases people complain about defective modules, but there are cases where users reported that they never received anything. When two parties are involved there are always two opinions. One shouting fraud, the other shouting liar.

I have no idea how to deal with these situations and I cannot decide who is right and who is not.
I have a bad feeling about banning people on the call of others. I am also not sure if a bad trader thread won't lead to even more drama when users find themselves wrongfully on a list.
I like to hear some opinion.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]