We now have a filter for Pulplogic 1U and Intellijel 1U modules.
Functionality is there but of course most of the data is missing. It can be added by users but it would be easier if I would bulk edit the modules.
Is there a list of manufacturers that only do one format but not the other?

Regarding that universal format. If I would add this how should the filter behave. Currently there are these 1U options:

  • 1U Tiles / All Formats
  • 1U Tiles / Intellijel
  • 1U Tiles / Pulplogic

If a module is universal and a user selects 1U Tiles / Intellijel in the filter should that universal module be displayed? Or should there be a third filter entry 1U Tiles / Universal ?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]