Instruo's modules.

I guess they're not so much 'opinionated' as as 'feature rich' though. Their circuits get pretty damn creative, which I suppose is a form of opinion.

Carn (mixer/vca) might be the least fun to talk about, but practically useful examples. There is a small switch on the back to dis/engage a limiter (soft-clipper) across the outputs. When engaged it offers 'auto-mixing' relative to disengaged as it'll tuck things in as they hit the limit. Ofc you may not want this for plenty of reasons, so they let you turn it off, but new modules come with it engaged seems the be opinion. This, to me, is best of both worlds. ability to make a decision, while also turning it off. Other opinions are the layout of the panel/s themselves. In Carn's case, each channel works subtlety (or not so subtlety) different than the others. This may be considered flexibility, more so than opinion tho... which comes at a cost of course, both financially and of brain power