Definitely not "the one". However...
ModularGrid Rack
Now THAT'S "the one". What's going on here is that I first changed the order from right->left to left->right...makes it easier for me to build, and you can flip this back to the R->L one.

Then, after the uZeus, there's now an actual modulation section. Four freerun LFOs, four loopable AR envelope gens. The huge Doepfer quad VCO got turned into a Studio Electronics Quadnic. Then Veils serves as your modulation amplitude control and mixing (yeah, I even had room for VCAs here, too!), your Wasp is next, then the FSU. And for output AND your headphone preamp, a Befaco OUT v.3 which also has stereo balanced TRS outs, and a patchable cue send.

The big takeaway here is that while these little skiffs are really a total PITA to build, it CAN be done...but you have to be careful about module sizes in order to be able to fit all of the functionality you want. Well...provided it's not something that requires buttloads of modules, that is. By tossing the Doepfer Quad VCO and Maths (which took up 38 hp between a 60 hp skiff) and being careful about module selection with regard to both function AND ergonomics, this opened the build up sufficiently for all of the new toys.

And the bonus? It only costs $22 more than your original build! Not too shabby...