1 PU

This Module is currently available.

Buchla 700 FM Voice Expansion

Expansion Module (Upper Section):

The expansion module is independently powered and is connected to the 700voice via a 3-pin ribbon cable at the back.

Wave Morph
Each oscillator in the Wave Morph module is controlled by S1 and W1. S1 morphs from sine to saw, while W1 morphs from sine to square. When the waveform is square, adjusting S1 will result in a pulse width modulation effect.
(Special note: The saw waveform in the 700 voice is set to a "saw- like" shape, not a standard saw waveform.)
S1-S4 allow for CV control.

Wave shape Control
Wave shape is governed by WS.A and WS.B parameters, which allow for shaping the sound in a manner similar to Timbre. This control comes into effect after the A and B outputs.

Drift Mode
Drift mode introduces frequency jitter through a random noise algorithm. The Depth knob controls the frequency of the jitter, while the Level knob adjusts the amount of oscillator drift influenced by the jitter effect.

Expansion Module (Lower Section):

The lower section features a touch-sensitive 5-steps sequencer. Steps 3 to 5 can be switched between, and in Random mode, the 5 stages switch randomly.

The 5 touch keys at the bottom correspond to each stage.

The 5 small touch buttons above the LEDs control the activation of the pulser and envelope for each stage.

The CV output provides the voltage for each stage of the sequencer, with a range of 0 to 10V.

The envelope CV is adjusted by the Attack and Decay knobs. When the sequencer is running, the envelope is influenced by the pulser. When the sequencer stops, the envelope is affected by the release time of the key touch.
EX mode allows external clock or pulser signals to be input.

The C output is the main clock gate signal output, while P is the pulser output.


submitted Dec 9th 2024, 21:46 by [email protected] | last Change Dec 28th 2024, 11:36 by tamiX
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