1 PU
$1,800 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

287e Jardin de Sons Concrets

Sound manipulation in the French tradition

Three virtual tape machines, each with eight assignable control inputs rounding the display on which every input is confined within the dedicated area.

Any input can be whether logical or continuous which reflects on the area background colour, red or blue, respectively. The display has several colour-coded sub-areas: command, attribute/monitor, condition, direction/special. Module’s functionality includes many interesting and sophisticated manipulations on the recorded material, all by the best traditions of Musique Concrete and Musique Acousmatique.

The whole memory is divided into 99 virtual tapes with maximum 99 zones each. Zone length is limited to 50 seconds which is quite enough even for large sonic passages.

The whole state of the 287e can be stored with the little aid of the 200e series preset manager.


Ø 3.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 9th 2019, 17:58 by mutierend | last Change Sep 26th 2023, 17:35 by TheSynth

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