112 mm wide
62 mm high
Current Draw
Pedal is passive
$81 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

Qudra Thru

MIDI Thru Box

MIDI Solutions MultiVoltage Quadra Thru

The MIDI Solutions MultiVoltage Quadra Thru is a 1-in 4-out MIDI Thru Box. All MIDI messages appearing at the Quadra Thru's MIDI input are passed to each of its four MIDI Thru outputs. Active circuitry cleans up any skewing of MIDI data bits that has occurred at the input, ensuring reliable operation in setups that require daisy chaining or long cable runs.

The Quadra Thru is MIDI-powered, and requires no batteries or power supply to operate with most MIDI products (for more information read the Power FAQs). A MIDI indicator LED lights up when the product is powered and flashes when MIDI data passes through it.

MIDI Solutions MultiVoltage products are compatible with both the original 5V and new 3.3V MIDI specifications, for more information read the MultiVoltage FAQ.

Weight: 122 g (4.3 oz.)
Dimensions: 112 x 62 x 31 mm (4.4" x 2.4" x 1.2")


submitted Jul 3rd, 17:10 by yovecm31 | last Change Jul 3rd, 17:10 by yovecm31
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