6 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$62 Price in €

This Module is currently available.


VCO + Vactrol LPF = Bad Trip ...

... which is pretty much what it is. Combines a switchable square/saw VCO with a vactrol-based resonant low-pass filter for generalised acidic wonkiness. As well as the usual front-panel controls, there are a bunch of trimpots on the back-side of the board to allow you to alter the response of the filter vactrols - depending on the settings you choose, hilarity may well ensue.

The VCO is based around an ATTiny45 microcontroller, so the accepted input CV range is 0-5V - any negative voltages will be clipped at zero, anything over 5V will be clipped at 5V - keep this in mind if you're using a MIDI-CV converter. This will give you a usable range of around 5 octaves. If the firmware doesn't do what you want then the source code is available here under a permissive license. By default, the lowest note output by the VCO is C1 (32Hz) - you can alter this in firmware by modifying the frequency lookup table.

Supplied ready to go with a 6HP panel which has been fabricated from 3mm acrylic - mounting hardware (M3x10 machine screws) and a power cable are also provided.

You can hear it here:


submitted Jul 28th 2019, 23:41 by kmerroug | last Change Nov 18th 2019, 19:07 by motorhead412