12 HP
36 mm deep
Current Draw
30 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$275 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Dual Lag and Hold Device

Each section can be either:

a VC lag that can be made to hold-state on command. also can be put into cycle mode as well, giving a wide-range VC linear triangle LFO that
ranges from around 700 Hz to 30 seconds or so per cycle. with external CV this range is extended from around 1500Hz to ???


a sample and hold with controllable input slew (or sample correlation). the control input is the same (s/h in the drawing). The droop in either mode is extremely low- less than 500uV/S.

when cycle is selected in Hold mode, the section will generate complex staircase waveforms that are synced to input pulses.. the input signal doesn't have to be a pulse, but just about any rising slope, this was done to allow for even more inter-compatibility between the 2 sections.

finally, the unlabeled jack in the middle is a gate output that compares the top sections output with the bottom.


Ø 4.45 (29 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 13th 2012, 00:35 by | last Change Sep 26th 2019, 07:43 by toppobrillo

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