10 HP
22 mm deep
Current Draw
24 mA +12V
24 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$95 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Utility modulation source

The HLFO (Haptic Low-Frequency Oscillator) is a 10HP performance module for Eurorack modular systems. The core of the module features a voltage-controlled LFO, which can have it’s rate and amplitude controlled using the on-board touch sensor (FSR), with external CV control also possible.

The LFO features triangle, square, and random (S&H) output waveforms. The sample and hold generator samples the HLFO’s internal noise source, to generate a random waveform. The internal S&H generator has its own separate output (pre-VCA) and can sample any external voltage source by plugging into the SRC jack. The S&H can also be clocked externally by plugging a clock signal into the CLK jack. The NOISE output features a white noise generator (5Vpp).

The on-board touch sensor has an output range of 0 to 5VDC. The FSR signal is normalised to the RATE and AMP controls. Plugging into the RATE or AMP jack will disconnect the FSR from that control. The HLFO has a rear panel jumper to select the speed range of the LFO. At the normal setting, the LFO ranges from around .25Hz to 125Hz. At slower settings, the LFO is capable of generating waveforms with periods of over 45 seconds.

This combination of functions allows for an extremely flexible waveform generation tool, LFO, noise source, sample & hold, touch controller, mod wheel interface, aftertouch interface, and more.


submitted Jul 17th 2019, 19:13 by cds | last Change Jul 17th 2019, 19:25 by cds

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