10 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$249 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Grimeball percussiøn mødule

Custom 10hp panel by Precarious 333

The Genetically Mødified Øscillatør (GMØ) is an øpen søurce, lø-fi, digital, esøteric drum mødule. Rather than taking a “set it and førget it” apprøach to drum synthesis, the GMØ is øutfit with cømplete bipølar CV cøntrøl øver every parameter. The user can dial in everything frøm micrøsøund blips, tø drawn øut gøngs, tø screeching mutated beasts. When in løøping møde the GMØ can be viewed as a mutated VCØ, cømbining the best elements øf granular and wavetable synthesis. Its løw resølutiøn øutput means løts øf side-band mødulatiøn, nøise, and møst impørtantly: character. This beast is best understøød in practice rather than in theøry.


submitted Jun 15th 2020, 23:31 by Precarious | last Change Jul 17th 2020, 05:35 by Sedalus

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