14 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
130 mA +12V
70 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$299 Price in €

No info about availability.

8-bit wavetable oscillator with wavetable sampling

Features from the Atmegatron:

Wavetables from Atmegatron and Delayertron software
15 Biquad filter algorithms
Phaser effect (now controllable via CV)
Pulse width effect (now controllable via CV)
Wave crusher
Features new to the Oscitron:

Variable wavetable size (16, 32, 64 or 128 samples)
Pitch quantizer
Wavetable capture via audio input
4 wavetable capture methods:
manual button press
internal clock
external clock gate input
continuous mode (vocoder style effects)
Wavetable capture “minimum length” paramenter, controls timbre of captured sound


Ø 4.33 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jan 23rd 2016, 02:53 by FSK1138 | last Change Apr 20th 2021, 14:00 by sibilant

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