14 HP
60 mm deep
Current Draw
10 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$229 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Envelope Generator

The ES06 is an adaptation of the original Serge Envelope Generator from the early 'R' series.

Rise and Fall times are adjustable from 5mS to 20S. CV affects both rise and fall equally while retaining their temporal proportaion relative to each other.

The START input will initiate an envelope generator cycle. Applying a signal to the HOLD input will 'hold' the envelope at its current voltage.

WINDOW SIZE is a more intricate function. This is a pulse trigger output which can be set to occur at any point in a cycle according to the position of the WINDOW SIZE control or by a control voltage at the WINDOW input. This is a very useful function in obtaining a variable time delay between different envelope generators.

This is not an ADSR style generator and can be used as a voltage controlled LFO


submitted Jan 10th 2016, 06:43 by WidgetOz | last Change Dec 25th 2022, 21:43 by pugix

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Perfect CircuitNoisebugSynthcube


Lower West Side Studio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?