4 HP
45 mm deep
Current Draw
15 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$140 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

A wide ranging and fully analogue oscillator which can perform duties as both auxilliary VCO* as well as VC-LFO

Shapes is a wide ranging and fully analogue oscillator which can perform duties as both auxilliary VCO* as well as VC-LFO. Shapes can be configured to cycle continuously, or to provide one-shot shaped outputs. When set to one-shot mode, Shapes may be used as an ersatz envelope generator.

Using the Time knob, Shapes can cycle from as low as 8 seconds (whale song) to as high as 19500Hz (bat beeps).

Shapes has 3 simultaneous outputs:

sawtooth (+/-5V, 10Vpp)
ramp (+/-5V, 10Vpp)
triangle (+/-5V, 10Vpp)
Additional waveforms may be derived courtesy of the Shape knob. Anticlockwise from 0 achieves progressively logarithmic sawtooths and ramps, whereas clockwise from 0 achieves progressively exponential sawtooths and ramps. The effect of the Shape knob on the triangle waveform is asymmetric, anticlockwise from 0 achieves progressively logarithmic leading edge, whereas clockwise from 0 achieves progressively exponential falling edge. Progressively exponential triangle waveforms can be achieved using the Time CV knob (set Shape knob to 0) providing there is no jack in the Time CV input socket

Time CV input provides wide ranging control of time. It is possible to dial in something approaching 1V/oct over a limited range, although Shapes has not been designed to perform as an accurately tracking VCO. In the audio range, Shapes comes into it’s own when used as a ‘daughter’ VCO to an external ‘mother’ VCO by patching the ‘mother’ VCO into Shapes’ Gate In input socket – some impressive oscillator sync style effects can be achieved.

Gate In can also be used to initiate waveforms in one-shot mode, where a pulse of any length will cause Shapes to complete one cycle.

*Shapes has not been designed to perform as an accurately tracking audio VCO.


submitted Feb 18th, 03:35 by gilburns | last Change Feb 18th, 03:36 by gilburns

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ControlPerfect CircuitNoisebugSynthcube


Lower West Side StudioMoog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?