6 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$249 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

macro controller

KNOBI is a multi-tool able to mix, attenuate, invert, display and multiply any kind of signal.

• To combine distinct cv sources into one and attenuate / invert the resulting signal.
• To display the value of any voltage within your modular system.
• To output a fixed and thermally stable 5-volt reference.
• To combine all the functions above for the ultimate CV and audio mangler.

• Sequences – alter them into the oblivion.
• Drums – usa the dedicated 5-volt manual gate as a trigger.
• Audio and CV simultaneously – use the range switch to stretch complex waveforms and sweeps.
• Unknown signals – read the built in 3 digits meter to interpret their value and act accordingly.

Knobi can serve a wide range of purposes – not only to pass butter - and this is true thanks to its internal signal path that makes use of some of the most useful building blocks of analog synthesis: a 4-channel mixer, a three-range attenuator/offset, an attenuverter, a fixed manual gate and lastly a cascading multiple derived from the output stage of Agogô.

a, b, c and d are Knobi’s inputs while r is a fixed 5v reference output. The toggle switch next to d sets the range of the attenuator/offset – the big knob below the meter. Connect a signal into one of the inputs to visualize its voltage value in the three digits meter. Keep in mind that this reading happens post attenuator/offset + attenuverter – the smaller knob with (-) and (+) indications.
The pushbutton next to x4 adds a gate of 5v to the mix: with no input connected it will act as a manual gate output. Autopatch the r reference output into one of the inputs to use Knobi as a macro controller thanks the attenuator/offset knob and switch to set the range and the attenuverter.
x1, x2, x3 and x4 are all cascading copies of the final signal path. Plugging a cable will break the normalization and the multiplication will reset starting from the next output. Four cables plugged in will output a copy at the same factor x1 - unity gain – making Knobi a versatile buffered multiple.

• Thermal compensated 5v voltage source with dedicated output.
• Four channel mixer with four buffered output.
• Built in 3 digits voltage meter post mix / attenuation / inversion.
• Attenuator/offset with a dedicated three positions range toggle.
• Manual gate button tied to the mix.
• 4 cascading outputs in an open design configuration.
• Unique signal path: mix – attenuate – invert – add – visualize – multiplicate.
• “Whatever” power connector a.k.a. don’t mind the polarity.

Demos and build documentation at jolin.tech/knobi and on our IG @jolinlab


submitted May 6th 2023, 13:38 by Jolin | last Change Apr 10th, 17:06 by Jolin

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