20 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

Matrix-Shaped Analog Synth Voice

ODIN is an analog synth voice in 20hp, built on a AS3340 VCO with dual VCAs (SSI2164) and dual VCF (SSI2144)

Oscillator is a delicious AS3340 (remake of the classic CEM3340)
* Controls: Coarse Pitch, Fine Pitch, PWM (direct control or attenuator when cv is present), Linear FM (attenuator for cv), Exponential FM (attenuator for cv)
* CV: 1V/Oct, PWM, Sync (Hard / Soft Toggle), Linear FM, Exponential FM.
* Toggles: VCO range (Osc or LFO mode), Hard/Soft Sync, Sub-octave (Channel 2)
* Discrete outputs for sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square waves

Mixer -> Dual VCA
* VCAs 1 and 2 are fed by discrete attenuverting wave matrices (mixes the 4 oscillator shapes together).
* These can also take external inputs and have their own pre-filter outputs.
* Controls & CV: Level.

* The filter section has two inputs that are mixed, normalled to the two VCAs, but can take external input.
* Controls/CV: Cutoff & Resonance

Frequency Divider
* This is a toggle-able SH-101 style sub oscillator circuit for channel 2, but can also be used with the VCA 2 external input.

Currently in prototype phase
Stay tuned for release details


Ø 5.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 31st 2022, 17:20 by nkurence | last Change Aug 26th 2022, 11:36 by proswell

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