6 HP
18 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$28 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

radio, mp3 player, external input ,usb

This is a cheap module that brings to your modular system:

  • Radio
  • Mp3 player (from usb or memory card)
  • External stereo input (line level stereo in - modular level dual mono out)
  • Non traditional noise source
  • Usb port... to plug a lamp or whatever you need.

The output is modular level.


Ø 3.75 (4 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Aug 2nd 2019, 19:10 by M4ngu | last Change Mar 2nd 2022, 09:37 by M4ngu

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