14 HP
85 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$250 Price in €

No info about availability.

Lord of the Ring

Passive Ring Modulator

Lord Of The Ring (PRM-1) is an "all analog" module based on a real Ring Modulator , traditional design done with transformers and matched germanium diodes (The raw sonic beauty !), with built-in carrier oscillator .
The built-in oscillator features 2 selectable wave shapes, triangle and square. In addiction a special waveshaper can be inserted after the oscillator to add harmonics, giving a rich "filter-like" sound. It is capable of wonderful sounds when used properly.
Passive ring modulator only have a side effects. Being all passive a part of the dry signal will pass trough the modulator even if there is no signal to the other side (bothcarrier and modulator). To compensate this, two null potentiometers were added to suppress the dry signal.


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submitted Nov 6th 2012, 22:23 by Wrnrhnt | last Change Jan 23rd 2019, 02:15 by motorhead412

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