14 HP
22 mm deep
Current Draw
24 mA +12V
17 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$175 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Drumfire Lo-Fi Analog Percussion Voice Adaptation

Thump, hiss, whack, booooom. Transistor-82 is a highly tweakable, retro percussion voice adapted from the Inline Effects Drumfire DF-500. With the addition of input CV control over many parameters unlike its vintage counterpart. I have found this single voice, with this extent of control, can sound like 4 or 5 voices.

The Transistor-82 combines an oscillator with a noise source, along with an optional click transient. The noise source comprises two types: hat and snare (more filtered). With extensive control over decay, pitch, and the Oscillator/Noise Mix – you’ll never run out of old school percussion action.

Transistor-82 has some heft to it, you’d think it was a piece of artillery. Combat ready in khaki aluminum panel for all your rapid-fire percussion needs.

Sensitivity Trimmer – controls input trigger response
Decay Knob – controls overall decay
Decay Type Switch – Choose Normal/CV or Short. In Normal position, incoming CV can toggle Norm/Short. 2.5V is the breakpoint of the toggle.
Oscillator Decay Knob – adds decay time to the Oscillator
Noise Type Switch – Choose Hat/CV or Snare noise types. In Hat position, incoming CV can toggle Hat/Snare. 2.5V is the breakpoint of the toggle.
Pitch Knob – Initial frequency of the Oscillator.
Pitch CV Jack/Trimmer – control voltage for Oscillator Pitch
Bend Knob – The Decay envelope can affect Oscillator Pitch. 12-o’clock has no effect. CW from 12-o’clock adds to the initial pitch, CCW from 12-o’clock subtracts from initial pitch.
Click Switch – additional attack transient
Mix Knob – controls balance between noise and oscillator
Mix CV Jack/Trimmer – control voltage for Mix

Available exclusively in my Reverb Store http://reverb.com/shop/gstormelectro

submitted Mar 7th 2019, 05:22 by G-StormElectro | last Change Feb 24th 2022, 03:13 by G-StormElectro

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