10 HP
66 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$154 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

This is a tube based Voltage Controlled Amplifier/timbral gate. While this module basically operates as a VCA, it does add a degree of distortion to the signal. How much distortion depends on how hard it is driven. Add feedback and it begins to oscillate, synchronizing to the incoming signal to some extent. All this while running on a standard synthesizer power supply, with no extra heater supply required.


Ø 4.25 (4 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jan 20th 2013, 03:52 by spitznagl | last Change Feb 14th 2018, 01:08 by Lugia

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