16 HP
36 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
80 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$249 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.


IN - Signal Inputs. The two IN jacks are tied together so you can use either a ¼” or ⅛” cables. (Unbalanced)

LVL - Amplifier gain control

GAIN OUT - Amplified signal output

GAIN SEND - The same signal that is present at “GAIN OUT” is also present at “GAIN SEND”. “GAIN SEND” is normalled to “RECTRCV”, meaning, if nothing is plugged into “GAIN SEND” or “RECTRCV”, then the jacks are connected together. If you plug a cable into either jack then the connection between them is broken. This allows you to send the amplified signal to other modules for processing and then back into the next section of Merge. Alternatively this also allows you to use the different sections of Merge independently on different signals.

RECTRCV (Rectified Receive) - Normalled to the signal present at “GAIN SEND”. Serves as the input to the envelope follower section of Merge.

RECTOUT (Rectified Output) - outputs a fullwave rectified version of the input signal. Fullwave rectification essentially means to take the negative portion of a signal and flip it to be positive. (waveform offset for visual clarity only).

FRICTION - works in conjunction with “INERTIA” to fine tune the response time/envelope smoothness.

SCALE - controls the output level of the envelope signal.

ENVELOPE SIGNAL OUTPUT - Outputs an envelope signal from 0V to some positive value set by the scale.

INVERTED ENVELOPE SIGNAL OUTPUT - Outputs an inverted envelope signal from 0V to some positive value set by the scale.

ENVSEND - passes a copy of the positive envelope to the next section of Merge and is normalled to “LOGIC” the same way that “GAIN SEND” and “RECTRCV” are normalled together.

LOGIC - Normalled to the signal present at “ENVSEND”. Serves as the input to the logic section of Merge.

GATE - sets the threshold level to turn the gate output on. The gate signal will stay high as long as the input signal is above the threshold.

GATE OUTPUT - outputs the gate signal based on the envelope information

TRIG - sets the threshold level to output a trigger signal. When the input signal goes above the threshold, a trigger signal will go logic high, then almost immediately go logic low again. The trigger generator is reset when the input signal drops back below the threshold level.

TRIG OUTPUT - outputs the trigger signal based on the envelope information and the “TRIG” knob

SND SECTION IN - eurorack signal input to effects loop

SNDLVL (Send Level) - gain contrl for the input of the effects loop

MIDDLE 1/4” JACK - output intended for, but not limited to, sending signals to pedals

RTN SECTION OUT - eurorack signal output from effects loop

RTNLVL (Return Level) - gain control for output of the effects loop

RIGHT 1/4” JACK - input intended for, but not limited to, returning signals from pedals


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submitted Jan 17th 2019, 16:54 by adventure_audio | last Change Dec 12th 2021, 12:15 by Jad_m

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