10 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$135 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Terry Riley's "In C" implementation for Eurorack

This Eurorack module implements a virtual ensemble of six performers that play Terry Riley's "In C" on 1V/oct CV/gate outputs. Each performer has a button to advance through the 53 patterns, or to pause at the end of the current loop (long-press).

An external clock input is required to control playback speed. LEDs show when a note is played, but will start blinking if the performer is left behind by three or more patterns. Press the main button to show late performers, or to reset everything to initial state (long-press). In the initial state every performer plays a steady C with no gate (for tuning), until the advance button is pressed and the first pattern starts being played.

The code is open-source, and can be customized with the Arduino on the back. You can write and upload your own patterns and sequences to make the module play just about anything.


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submitted Jun 2nd 2021, 16:44 by joeSeggiola | last Change Mar 2nd 2022, 10:38 by joeSeggiola

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