I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the limit of 8 rows in the planner...

My total setup is larger than this, and I like to put all the modules, then duplicate that, to allocate out to my various racks.

pretty please? :)

PS. I would like to say that this is one of the coolest sites on the net, free too. Amazing work, thanks guys :) :) :)

I want to refer to the thread title and give you a general explanation, why limits are necessary.
Many users asked me why there is such a limit at all.

The main reason for the limitation is to ensure an acceptable server performance and keep the system save.
Without limits the consecutive duplication of huge racks could easily bring the server down.
This can happen without a bad purpose in mind but it also can be used in an attack scenario (This is no fantasy, it happened already).

The main problems:

  1. Heavy SQL processes slow down the server
  2. Database grows non-linear over time and slows down every other query
  3. Screenshot generation needs a lot of RAM
  4. Screenshots will be huge. If people embed those 3MB+ shots in Forums, other users won't be happy to load the thread on their mobile plans.
  5. Also server traffic increases. This will cost money at some point.
  6. The general Planner, SketchAPatch and TrueGrid rely on client side JavaScript. The bigger the rack, the bigger memory consumption, the slower the drag'n'drop performance, etc. This can lead to Browser crashes in extreme cases or on low-end computers like phones and tablets.

I increased the limit for rows and columns many times and I think this is maxed out.
I know many of you guys will find this unacceptable so I am thinking about a solution.

PS. I would like to say that this is one of the coolest sites on the net, free too.
-- gwpt

The keyword here is free.

Will you guys freak out if I introduce some kind of paid account for "Pro" users, which will expand those limits?

This would solve some (but not all) problems and of course would give me some revenue.
What are your thoughts?
Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

8? I can't get anything more than 4!! How do I get to 8?

You need a "Unicorn" Account to make larger systems now. This is a small fee that helps support the site and allows it improve. Well worth it...


I wish the limit were based on HP rather than number of rows. Four rows of 168hp takes up quite a bit more server space than five rows of 84 or 104. I'd like to maybe add a base to my low cost case eventually, and don't feel that 420hp puts me quite into the "really big rack" category (a c-cup at best!). Granted, yeah, I could technically afford to contribute, but I spend so much time fantasizing about these modules that by the time my paychecks arrive, I've already spent them.

I would happily pay for a 5 row 126 HP rack. Happily. PM me your Paypal address, it will be on the way immediately.

edit: I am now a horned pony, nm :)

first of all - thank you for the great site!

What are your thoughts?

a few days ago i decided to give my rack (4 rows x 197 HP) a full re-arrangement from scratch.
i started from zero (empty rack) and it was very very tedious to add & arrange all modules
so much scrolling/searching/moving which took hours

it would have been less tedious when i already have known the exact ordering starting from the top left.
but in this creative process i wanted to place some modules and fill gaps afterwards.

today i had another idea:
i double the width of my existing rack
then i can move the modules from left half to the right half
there is no need to use the search form or to scroll down to the module list
i always see which modules has to be moved to the new arrangement until everything is done.
when i am finished i set the doubled HP back to the real HP

Unfortunately i was not able to try this approach because doubling my rack HP exceeds the limit of the allowed HP :/

My thought:
Consider to increase the standard limits of rows and HP but only for a short period of time
so a full rearrangement procedure would be less painful.
For example with a warning "CAUTION: Your Rack will be downsized automatically in 3 days"

Another thought:
Have you ever considered to make the Editor open source?
i would be happy to fix several javascript bugs or at least give it a try
pretty sure there are others who would be glad to help improving the editor


just noticed it is already possible to copy/cut/paste modules between browser windows
awsome - thank you!!!